(2013.09.18)23. bis 28. April 2013
Filmfestival Crossing Europe / OK-Lab
23rd to 28th April 2013
Filmfestival Crossing Europe / OK-Lab

26 min. Ton, Farbe, Geruch
These are the last 6 minutes of the first olfactory movie NO(I)SE. A piece with extensive scent sequences for an olfactory cinema via Smeller 2.0 (
"The realisation of Wolfgang Georgsdorf’s “Smeller 2.0 / Olfactorium” for the expo “Sinnesrausch / Sensory Sensation” in 2012 triggered multiple possibilities for using the instrument, as scent compositions and scent sequences can now be programmed and replayed with it. Now the artist is presenting NO(I)SE, his first olfactory movie as an installation for the cinema on behalf of the OK-Lab in the Upper Austrian Cultural Quarter in Linz for the filmfestival CROSSING EUROPE. A concentrated intimate chamber piece for cinema, that comes along as a powerful document of the very kinds of signals that form the perceptive components of cinema and its extension: Darkness, light and colour, silence, spoken language and sound – and now scent."
Credits NO(I)SE:
Speaker EVA MATTES / JOSEF MATTES / WOLFGANG GEORGSDORF | Music WOLFGANG GEORGSDORF / FILIP CARANICA | Sound Design FILIP CARANICA | Editing CRISTÓVÃO ABREU DOS REIS | Camera ALEXANDER GHEORGHIU | Smell and colour composition WOLFGANG GEORGSDORF | Smell programming/ Assistance multisensory synchronisation TOMÁ IVANOV | Advisory smell programming and multisensory synchronisation MATTHIAS HAENISCH | Technical and cinematographic advice / calculation pool of colours CHRISTOPH MANZ | Production assistant CLAUDIO THAMM | Author, director, producer WOLFGANG GEORGSDORF | Commissioned by OK Offenes Kulturhaus at OÖ Kulturquartier | Special Thanks to all sponsors of Smeller 2.0
Nach der Verwirklichung von Wolfgang Georgsdorfs Smeller 2.0 / Olfaktorium zur vorjährigen Ausstellung „Sinnesrausch“ und den Möglichkeiten, die sich mit dem Instrument zur Programmierung und Wiedergabe von Geruchskompositionen und Duftsequenzen ergeben, stellte der Künstler auf Einladung des OK im Rahmen von Crossing Europe seinen ersten Geruchsfilm als Installation für das Kino vor. Ein konzentriertes Kammerstück, das als kraftvolles Dokument jener Signal-Komponenten gestaltet ist, aus denen Kino besteht: Dunkelheit, Licht und Farbe, Stille, Sprache, Klang – und nun Geruch.
Der „Stiefsinn“ Geruch (W.G.), um den das Kino damit erweitert wird, rückt in dieser Arbeit wörtlich auf Ohren- und Augenhöhe. Mit der Uraufführung von NO(I)SE in der Sparte Expanded Cinema wird der erste Film seiner Art zu erleben sein und damit auch die durch die Smeller-Technologie ermöglichte sensorische Erweiterung der Sphäre Kino.
Eine synästhetische Kinoinstallation, in der Augen, Ohren und Nase „von der Leinwand trinken“: Visueller Gesang sanfter Farbnuancen und die Wucht leuchtender Reinfarben im Tonstrang von Weltklang und synchronen Düften des Lebens schwingen sich in einem bewegenden Gemälde zu Sprache auf.
Eröffnung: 23 April 2013, 17:00 Uhr, Empfang, mit einer Einführung von Wolfgang Georgsdorf
Brückenstudio / Smeller-Raum
OK-Centrum für Gegenwartskunst / Offenes Kulturhaus
OÖ Kulturquartier, OK Platz 1, 4020 Linz
e-artnow / announcement No(i)se
Sprecher EVA MATTES / JOSEF MATTES / WOLFGANG GEORGSDORF | Musik WOLFGANG GEORGSDORF / FILIP CARANICA | Sound Design FILIP CARANICA | Schnitt CRISTÓVÃO ABREU DOS REIS | Kamera ALEXANDER GHEORGHIU | Geruchs- und Farbkompositionen WOLFGANG GEORGSDORF | Parfümistik und olfaktorische Beratung GEZA SCHÖN | Assistenz Geruchsprogrammierung und multisensorische Synchronisation TOMÁ IVANOV | Beratung Geruchsprogrammierung und multisensorische Synchronisation MATTHIAS HAENISCH | Technische und cinematografische Beratung, Berechnung des Farbpools CHRISTOPH MANZ | Produktionsassistenz CLAUDIO THAMM | Buch, Regie, Produktion WOLFGANG GEORGSDORF | Gefördert durch das OK/ OK-Labor im OÖ Kulturquartier | Besonderer Dank an die Sponsoren von SMELLER 2.0
Olfactory movie
26 min. sound, colour, scent
These are the last 6 minutes of the first olfactory movie NO(I)SE. A piece with extensive scent sequences for an olfactory cinema via Smeller 2.0 (
"The realisation of Wolfgang Georgsdorf’s “Smeller 2.0 / Olfactorium” for the expo “Sinnesrausch / Sensory Sensation” in 2012 triggered multiple possibilities for using the instrument, as scent compositions and scent sequences can now be programmed and replayed with it. Now the artist is presenting NO(I)SE, his first olfactory movie as an installation for the cinema on behalf of the OK-Lab in the Upper Austrian Cultural Quarter in Linz for the filmfestival CROSSING EUROPE. A concentrated intimate chamber piece for cinema, that comes along as a powerful document of the very kinds of signals that form the perceptive components of cinema and its extension: Darkness, light and colour, silence, spoken language and sound – and now scent."
Credits NO(I)SE:
Speaker EVA MATTES / JOSEF MATTES / WOLFGANG GEORGSDORF | Music WOLFGANG GEORGSDORF / FILIP CARANICA | Sound Design FILIP CARANICA | Editing CRISTÓVÃO ABREU DOS REIS | Camera ALEXANDER GHEORGHIU | Smell and colour composition WOLFGANG GEORGSDORF | Perfumistic refinement and advice GEZA SCHÖN | Assistance Smell programming and multisensory synchronisation TOMÁ IVANOV | Advisory smell programming and multisensory synchronisation MATTHIAS HAENISCH | Technical and cinematographic advice, calculation pool of colours CHRISTOPH MANZ | Production assistant CLAUDIO THAMM | Author, director, producer WOLFGANG GEORGSDORF | Commissioned by OK Offenes Kulturhaus at OÖ Kulturquartier | Special Thanks to all sponsors of Smeller 2.0
The realisation of Wolfgang Georgsdorf’s “Smeller 2.0 / Olfactorium” for the expo “Sinnesrausch / Sensory Sensation” in 2012 triggered multiple possibilities for using the instrument, as scent compositions and scent sequences can now be programmed and replayed with it. Now the artist is presenting NO(I)SE, his first olfactory movie as an installation for the cinema on behalf of the OK-Lab in the Upper Austrian Cultural Quarter in Linz for the filmfestival CROSSING EUROPE. A concentrated intimate chamber piece for cinema, that comes along as a powerful document of the very kinds of signals that form the perceptive components of cinema and its extension: Darkness, light and colour, silence, spoken language and sound – and now scent.
Opening: April 23. 2013, 5 pm, reception, with an introduction by Wolfgang Georgsdorf
Bridge-Studio / Smeller-Hall
OK-Center for Contemporary Art / Offenes Kulturhaus
OÖ Kulturquartier, OK Platz 1, 4020 Linz/ Austria
e-artnow / announcement No(i)se
Credits NO(I)SE:
Speaker EVA MATTES / JOSEF MATTES / WOLFGANG GEORGSDORF | Music WOLFGANG GEORGSDORF / FILIP CARANICA | Sound Design FILIP CARANICA | Editing CRISTÓVÃO ABREU DOS REIS | Camera ALEXANDER GHEORGHIU | Smell and colour composition WOLFGANG GEORGSDORF | Smell programming/ Assistance multisensory synchronisation TOMÁ IVANOV | Advisory smell programming and multisensory synchronisation MATTHIAS HAENISCH | Technical and cinematographic advice / calculation pool of colours CHRISTOPH MANZ | Production assistant CLAUDIO THAMM | Author, director, producer WOLFGANG GEORGSDORF | Commissioned by OK Offenes Kulturhaus at OÖ Kulturquartier | Special Thanks to all sponsors of Smeller 2.0
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